Monday, September 6, 2010

37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About


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via FlowingData by Nathan on 5/6/09

You might not know it, but there are actually a ton of data and visualization blogs out there. I'm a bit of a feed addict subscribing to just about anything with a chart or a mention of statistics on it (and naturally have to do some feed-cleaning every now and then). In a follow up to my short list last year, here are the data-ish blogs, some old and some new, that continue to post interesting stuff.

Data and Statistics

  • By the Numbers - Column from The New York Times visual Op-ed columnist, Charles Blow, who also used to be NYT's graphics director.
  • Data Mining - Matthew Hurst, scientist at Microsoft's MSN, also the co-creator of BlogPulse.
  • Statistical Modeling - We might disagree on certain things, but Andrew's blog is one of the few active pure statistics blogs.
  • The Numbers Guy - Data-minded reporting from Carl Bialik of the Wall Street Journal.
  • Basketball Geek - Like statistical analysis and basketball?

Statistical/Analytical Visualization


Design & Infographics

  • information aesthetics - I doubt there are many who read FlowingData who haven't heard about Andrew's blog.
  • Neoformix - Jeff has been doing a lot of stuff with Twitter lately. Glad to read that he recently pledged to post more often.
  • Well-formed Data - Hasn't been updating much lately, but Moritz has some interesting projects every now and then.
  • Cool Infographics
  • Infographics News
  • Nicolas Rapp - Art Director for the Associated Press Interactive Design & Graphics Department.
  • Dataviz - Someone's tumblelog. Not sure who's but good stuff.
  • WallStats - Jess Bachman, of Mint graphics and Death & Taxes poster.

Others Worth Noting

  • Quantified Self - Of personal interest to me since so much of my work is on self-surveillance.
  • Random, etc. - Tom of Stamen Design. Hasn't updated in a while, but always like to hear from the Stamen guys.
  • Ben Fry Writing - Co-creator of Processing and author of Visualizing Data.
  • Stamen Design
  • tecznotes - Another Stamen Design fellow, Michal Migurski. Talking about custom online maps recently.
  • The Big Picture - Economics from Barry Ritholtz.
  • Waxy - Not always data, but always interesting from Andy Baio.
  • Serial Consign - Greg is more architecture than data or viz, but the fields share many of the same principles.

That's what I read. Looking over the list, I seem to enjoy the blogs of those who are actually actively involved in what they're writing about. The experience provides that tasty, data flavor.

Are there any data-ish blogs that you read that aren't listed above? What are your favorite data blogs (besides FlowingData :)? Let us know in the comments. Here are some of the Twitter replies to get things started:

@mlascarides: http://www.visualcomplexity...

@hungryclone: none lol

@libbyh: but FD's still my fav

@amrita_chanda: Blogs I follow are:Info aesthetics, Wallstats, blprnt, visuale, visualcomplexity, infogrphicsnews, perceptualedge, and urs :-)

@colorfuldata: there are so many… yours is my first choice together with, and

@jrhoads: yours is all I read at the moment (thanks to @cjoh) but I'd love to see your responses.


@caaquino: I like Infosthetics, Infographics News, Cool Infographics, the Stamen blog. Curious to see anything new that others read too!

@Mojowen: Not sure if these count as data blogs, but Five Thirty Eight, The Big Picture (how I found FD), and Real Climate

@mhenly: the ASA's Contexts Graph blog

@vergeclub: Data Mining, Info Aesthetics, visual methods. Got any tips for datamapping?

@nkri: Following @Tableau,, and

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