Saturday, September 18, 2010

7 Traits of Real Men


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via The Best Article Every day by bspcn on 9/3/10

Written by mocha dad

Photo by: Photofinish2009 via Flickr

Men were made to be bold, strong, leaders. However, our society has attempted to repress these traits. If you look at the way men (especially dads) are portrayed on TV, you'd think we were all a bunch of irresponsible, befuddled, nincompoops, who can only function with the help of a "smart" female partner, friend, or spouse.

Consequently, many boys are confused and have no idea what it takes to be a real man. They seek inappropriate role models and emulate the bad behavior that they see on a regular basis.

It is our duty as men, fathers, and responsible citizens to counter these negative images and raise a new generation of men who are respectful, loving, and willing to contribute to society in a positive way.

If we are to achieve this goal, we must start with improving ourselves. I started my journey towards self-improvement after my daughter's birth. The greatest compliment that a father can get from his daughter is "I want to marry someone just like you." That kind of pressure forces you to examine your life and look for ways to improve.

Over the years, I've discovered seven traits that real men possess:

  1. Integrity – Integrity is more than being honest. It's a lifestyle set on striving towards moral excellence. Real men say what they mean and mean what they say. They are the same person whether or not others are watching. They are trustworthy, dependable, and unwavering.
  2. Compassion – Compassion is sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it. In other words, you feel compelled to help someone who is hurting. Men aren't often viewed as being compassionate, but it is a trait that helps us to become more connected to the people around us. Real men turn their compassion into service and work to make the world a better place.
  3. ConfidenceReal men are confident. Many people confuse confidence with arrogance and self-centeredness. Real men know the difference. Confidence is about being self-assured and self-aware. Confident men have faith in their abilities and knowledge. They don't need to tear others down in order to build themselves up. They earn people's trust with their radiant, inner strength. When a they walk into the room, everyone takes notice.
  4. Self-control – Hardly a day goes by without a news report about some high-profile man who has been destroyed by sex, money, and/or drugs. Too many men lack self-control, but it is the foundation of a virtuous life. Self-control starts with focus and ridding yourself of distractions. Doing this isn't easy because temptations lurk around every corner. Real men are able to tame their desires and channel that energy into positive pursuits.
  5. Perseverance – Perseverance is the product of self-control. It is courageous resistance against difficult circumstances. Perseverance is only developed through trials. Real men endure the trials and emerge stronger. They never give up.
  6. Bravery – Bravery is the courage to do what is right regardless of the circumstances. Nothing is ever accomplished with an attitude of passivity. Real men stand up in the face of adversity.
  7. Humility – Today's breed of young men loves to let everyone know how much swagger they have. They thump their chests and proclaim to the world, "I'm a Big Deal. Look at me!" Real men understand the value of being humble and letting someone else's light shine. They realize that humility is more endearing than self-importance. Humility indicates that you are ridding yourself of the poison of self-centeredness. Besides, humility softens the blow when someone knocks you off your pedestal.

Acquiring all of these traits takes time and dedication. However, our society would benefit greatly if all men strove to possess them.

Stay Strong,

Question: In your opnion, what traits should a real man possess?

Bonus: so true…..


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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All About Breakfast Cereals


Sent to you by Joe via Google Reader:


via Precision Nutrition by Ryan Andrews on 9/6/10

When Neolithic farmers figured out how to cultivate wheat, millet, oats and other wild grasses some 10,000 years ago – they created the first steady food supply we'd ever known. We could actually grow food and store it!

But a supply of barley for the winter is a bit different from the bulk pack of Cupcake Pebbles from Costco.

You may be shocked to learn this is not a historically accurate representation of early humans.

You may be shocked to learn this is not a historically accurate representation of early humans.

What is cereal?

For thousands of years, many traditional cultures have eaten cereals in the form of porridge. Traditionally, these were whole or ground grains (and sometimes legumes such as peas or starches such as tapioca) that were soaked in water and allowed to ferment. Historically, porridge was often seen as poor people's food, or the kind of cuisine you'd get in prison.

Flintstones notwithstanding, the breakfast cereals of today don't look much like their traditional ancestors.

Breakfast cereal: A brief history

Dr. James Caleb Jackson created the world's first cold breakfast cereal in 1863. It was whole wheat flour and water.

He baked it, broke the pieces up, and then baked them again. Ta-da – he had "Granula". Granula had to be soaked overnight in order to be chewed.

Later, food manufacturers began to add vitamins and minerals to cereals, and people began to view cereals as health-promoting rather than as prison or peasant cuisine.

During World War II, the government encouraged vitamin and mineral enrichment of foods to improve the nation's health. This continues today, with mixed results. In 1988, Kellogg's saturated about 30,000 packages of Rice Krispies with excessive amounts of iron. Later that year, 28,000 packages of Mini-Wheat's had too much vitamin A added.

How cereal is made

In general, when cereals are made, grains are processed into flour, cooked, mixed with other ingredients, dried, and shaped. Cereal can also be puffed, flaked or shredded.

Making breakfast cereal involves:

  • mixing grains with flavouring agents and water
  • cooking to gelatinize the grains' starch, which creates the desired final texture and makes the grains digestible
  • drying
  • cooling/tempering, then pressure-flattening or passing through an extruder that makes shapes (rather like a big toothpaste tube)
  • toasting and flaking

how cereal is made

how cereals are processed

Here's a schematic diagram of some of the machinery involved. Yummy! Just like grandma used to make!


Cereal manufacturers use mechanical food texture analyzers to test the "crunchiness" of cereal. One of the reasons cereal is often sugar coated is to provide a layer between the liquid (usually cow's milk) and the cereal to extend its crunch.

crunch testing8 types of cereal processing

Beyond the basic cereal production process, there are eight distinct cereal processing categories:

1. Flaked cereals

A typical formula contains 100 pounds of grain, 6 to 12 pounds of sugar, 2 pounds of malt syrup, 2 pounds of salt, and enough water to achieve 28-32% moisture after cooking. Too much moisture reduces crunchiness. Too little moisture leads to breakage. Cooking time varies depending on the grain. Corn takes about 120 minutes, rice takes 60 minutes, and wheat takes 35 minutes.

Example: Corn Flakes.

2. Gun-puffed whole grains

Here, the grain must be cooked, followed by a rapid pressure drop in the atmosphere surrounding the grain. This releases steam from the grain as the pressure within the grain tries to equilibrate with the lower pressure surrounding it.

Rice and wheat are the only whole grains used for gun-puffing (corn can also undergo this process, but not in whole-grain form). Puffing can be done with single or multiple shot guns. Temperatures vary, staying above 400 degrees F. Puffed cereals rely on a coating (usually sugar) to maintain a crisp texture.

Example: Golden Crisp/Sugar Crisp

3. Extruded gun-puffed cereals

The starting material is flour. Cooking takes place in the extruder, and then dough is formed and cast. Using modified food starch (e.g., like tapioca or potato starch) helps to obtain a high expansion volume and form a film on the cereal while keeping the fat content low. When the dough is cast, the desired shape is created, similar to pasta. Extruded cereals tend to have less browning than other varieties.

Example: Cheerios

4. Shredded whole grains

The grain is cooked, cooled, and tempered for up to 24 hours. After this, the wheat is squeezed between one smooth and one grooved roll. A comb runs along the grooved roll to separate the shreds.

Example: Shredded Wheat

5. Extruded and other shredded cereals

A blend of the extruded and shredded processes mentioned above.

Example: Life

6. Oven-puffed cereals

These cereals are usually rice or corn (or a mixture), and require very high temperatures (550 to 650 degrees F). For more on high cooking temperatures and processed carb foods, see All About Creating Carcinogens With Cooking.

Example: Rice Krispies

7. Extruded expanded cereals

Similar to the extrusion process above.

Example: Cap'n Crunch

8. Granola cereals

A mixture of grains, sweeteners, fruits, nuts and other additives baked at 300 to 425 degrees F to achieve a light-brown color and 3% moisture.

Example: Umm… granola.

Here's a general overview of how cereal (and cereal bars) is made:

Why is cereal so important?

If you want to see America's advertising expertise in action, walk down the cereal aisle.

Cereal was one of the first marketing panaceas, and we've taken the advertising bait. Cereal also kicked off our addiction to convenience. Forget about a 15 minute delay for rolled oats or a vegetable omelet. Cereal = open, pour, and hover. Ready in 30 seconds.

A few cereal consumption facts:

  • We buy about 2.7 billion boxes of cereal each year, leading to annual sales of about $10 billion, making it one of the top three most popular supermarket products (behind beverages and bread). Per capita consumption of cold breakfast cereals rose from 4.4 pounds in 1939 to 14.3 pounds in 1997. By comparison, France consumes about 1.8 pounds and Canada eats about 9 pounds.
  • The only countries that eat more cereal than the U.S. are England, Ireland and Australia.
  • Kellogg's, General Mills and Post make up 73% of the cereal market share. The top three most popular cereals are Cheerios, Special K, and Honey Bunches of Oats. About 20 new cereals are offered each year.

Yep, we love our breakfast cereals. In part, this is because we mistakenly think they're good for us… and our kids.

But breakfast cereals marketed to children contain more sugar and salt than those for adults. Cereal manufacturers spend millions of dollars each year marketing to kids. During kids TV shows the top category of advertised food is cereal (beating out candy, snacks and fast food).

On average, 8 to 12 year olds see three cereal ads per day (about 1095 cereal ads per year). And you wonder why your 10 year old turns into a drugged up monkey while browsing the cereal aisle?

What you should know about cereal

Before cereal was invented, the U.S. was eating grease, flour (e.g., pancakes), pork, mutton, liver, kidney, pickled meats, and rich sauces for breakfast. As you might expect, many Americans were also battling indigestion, gout and constipation.

Religious folks were ready to intervene with a whole grain alternative to help with regularity and gut health. Oh, and they also wanted to get rid of meat at breakfast to "curb ungodly desires."

Kellogg, cereal pioneer

granoseJohn Harvey Kellogg helped lead the way. Kellogg was a Seventh Day Adventist who studied medicine, eventually writing books/articles. He recommended no drugs, no alcohol, and no tobacco, plenty of exercise, low calorie consumption, and low meat intake. This was revolutionary (in the 1890s).

He believed that optimal health started in the GI tract – so he also pushed bran consumption and daily enemas.

But before you become a Kellogg disciple – he also prescribed 12 pounds of grapes each day for people with high blood pressure and forced underweight patients to consume 26 milk feedings per day while lying motionless in bed with sandbags on their feet (seriously).

Kellogg began experimenting with cereal recipes based on Dr. James Caleb Jackson's original mix. He combined wheat flour, cornmeal and oatmeal into various ready-to-eat cereal shapes and sizes.

In 1894, wheat flakes were developed by cooking ground wheat into dough and then flattening it between metal rollers. The flakes were then cooked and cooled. Kellogg called it "Granose." Eventually, corn was also used. This began the cold cereal revolution.

In 1902, W.K. Kellogg (John Harvey's brother) experimented with adding sugar to cereal. Between 1910 and 1925 sugar consumption doubled. Adding sugar to cereals increased sales and cereal companies began to focus on profit.

Not until the 1970s did parents question added sugars in cereal, and thus cereal names started changing.

  • Sugar Crisp became Golden Crisp
  • Sugar Pops became Corn Pops
  • Sugar Smacks became Honey Smacks

Big Cereal and the business of breakfast

Cereal is big business. Each new cereal production technique was (and is) a marketing opportunity.

In the mid 1900s, food manufacturers wanted people to buy more cereal, so they did motivational research on flavours and textures. They modified the packaging to draw more attention to the cereal.

Eventually, the production of cereals became so secretive that factory tours were cancelled in the 1990s due to espionage.

It's no surprise — cereal production takes a 12 cent bushel of grain and converts it to a product that sells for around four dollars… and most of the money is spent on marketing.

Kulp K & Ponte JG. Handbook of cereal science and technology. CRC Press. 2000.

Kulp K & Ponte JG. Handbook of cereal science and technology. CRC Press. 2000.

Cereal and health

In North America, we don't eat whole grains much. One of these potential occasions is a bowl of breakfast cereal (the other major sources are popcorn and bread). Of all foods consumed for breakfast, cereal is the most common, making its way into about one-third of all breakfast occasions.

Data show that consuming commercial breakfast cereals can increase overall nutrient intake and lead to a healthier weight – when compared to those who skip breakfast. It's hard to conclude much from studies on eating cereal and body weight, due to the multitude of other factors.

In the last decade, we've seen the introduction of cereal bars and cereal cafes.


cheerios cereal bar

Manufacturers have successfully convinced many of us that cereals are good for us, especially when "fortified" with added vitamins, minerals, and fibre. But ask yourself… why is all that good stuff missing in the first place?

Let's look at what Honey Nut Cheerios, for instance, contains. I've taken the liberty of putting sugar sources in bold.

Whole grain oats, sugar, modified corn starch, honey, brown sugar syrup, corn bran, salt, corn syrup, oat fibre, corn syrup solids, tripotassium phosphate, canola and/or rice bran oil, guar gum, natural almond flavour, mixed tocopherols.

3/4 cup of Cheerios contains:

110 calories
190 mg sodium
2 g fibre (from added fibre)
1.5 g fat
22 g carbohydrate
9 g sugar
2 g protein

Let's see… five types of sugar, for starters. And the fibre has to be added in.

I wouldn't exactly call that healthy. By the way, go and measure 3/4 cup of cereal. I bet you'll be surprised at how tiny it looks. Most folks could easily eat three times that and not notice.

The "healthy" cereals


Oatmeal was proclaimed in the 1800s to be one of the best soothers for an irritable stomach. In the 1920s, Quaker Oats began utilizing radio advertising to promote sales. The first instant flavored oatmeal was introduced in 1970 – less than 50 years ago. In the 1980s, Wilford Brimley started pushing oatmeal, and sales increased by 25%.

Cream of Wheat

Cream of Wheat was discovered in 1893 by a guy in North Dakota who was looking to save some money by cooking up "wheat leftovers" (the bran) as porridge.

cream of wheat


Ralston (endorsed by Dr. Ralston) wheat cereal originated as livestock feed. To bump up profits, it was eventually marketed as a cereal for humans.

ralston box


I don't know about you, but during my 7th grade basketball season, I made sure my mom bought Wheaties. Was this due to nutrition science? Nope. It's because Michael Jordan was on the box.

The advertising push for Wheaties began in 1924. Interestingly, a survey in 1991 revealed that most American consumers didn't realize Wheaties were made out of wheat.

Jim Fish, a former vice president of advertising for General Mills said, "Wheaties is no different from anybody else's [cereal]; it's just a product of unique and consistent advertising."

The evolution of Wheaties




Special K

This was invented in 1955. The 1950s was when TV advertising for cereals took off. The industry took advantage and Special K swept across the U.S. As you can see, TV ads for cereal in the 1950s and 1960s were riveting.

Kix commercial from the 1950s

Trix cereal commercial from the 1960s

Special K commercial from the 1970s

Cheerios commercial from the 1980s

Wheaties commercial from the 1990s

Froot Loops commercial from the 2000s

All Bran

In 1984, All Bran sales increased 41% when a TV commercial claimed that bran could decrease the risk of cancer.

Summary and recommendations

"It is apparent that humans are viewed not as beings to be nourished but suckers to be sold."
– Robert F. Choate

Most of us can acknowledge that a majority of cereals are edible entertainment. Cereal consumption usually has little to do with nutrition and a lot to do with advertising, characters, images, and convenience.

Cereal is one breakfast option that may contribute to optimal health/body composition… if the alternative is eating nothing. But always consider what your alternative option would be (for more on alternative breakfast options, see All About Breakfast).

Be aware that a majority of cereals have added sweeteners/preservatives, are highly processed, and are a concentrated source of energy (which can be helpful when trying in increase body weight).

If you eat cereal, use common sense when reading the ingredient label, and as always, don't believe any of the information printed on the front of the box.

Extra credit

In 1898 C.W. Post tried developing a coffee substitute, but instead he sold it as breakfast cereal. It's called Grape-Nuts — "grape" because it contained maltose, which at the time Post called "grape sugar." And "nuts" because it tasted like nuts.

When cow's milk pasteurization became standard in the early 1900s, cereal became more popular.

In the 1960s Post worked on freeze drying fruits for cereals. This allowed them to double the price of cereal. They started to actually deplete North American strawberry crops.

Lucky Charms were invented based on the inclusion of Circus Peanut marshmallow shavings in a basic extruded cereal.

Since cereals can break into bits and settle during transport – companies claim "Contents measured by weight, not volume," on the front of the package.

In 1966, Quaker test marketed an entire Cap'n Crunch product line with cookies, snacks and shakes.

Food and beverage packaging is a major source of waste, accounting for 55% of global packaging waste.

In 2008, each percentage point of market share for cereals was worth approximately $62 million.

A cereal fortified with fluoride was tested in the 1950s by Post.

Cereal production lines can package 2 boxes per second.

In the 1990s cereal companies started printing and distributing coupons – this was done to increase sales.

Grains contain lectins. See All About Lectins for more.

Further resources

DVD – Cereal: History in a bowl

For more on the food industry structure see here.

Check out this cereal timeline.


USDA/Economic Research Service. Data last updated February 1, 2010.

Deshmukh-Taskar PR, et al. The relationship of breakfast skipping and type of breakfast consumption with nutrient intake and weight status in children and adolescents: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2006. J Am Diet Assoc 2010;11:869-878.

History of Kellogg's

Maras JE, et al. Whole grain intake: The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Food Compost Anal 2009;22:53-58.

Schwartz MB, et al. Examining the nutritional quality of breakfast cereals marketed to children. J Am Diet Assoc 2008;108:702-705.

2008 Source: A.C. Nielsen Financial Services for the 52-weeks ended June 8, 2008.

Bruce S & B Crawford. Cerealizing America – The unsweetened story of American breakfast cereal. 1995. Faber and Faber. Winchester, MA.

Shapely D. Kellogg's Cereal Recall Highlights a New Concern: Chemicals Leaching from Food Packaging. Accessed 7/7/10

Eastman J, Orthoefer F, Solorio S. Using extrusion to create breakfast cereal products. American Association of Cereal Chemists. 2001;10:468-471.

Burrington KJ. Keeping the crunch in breakfast cereals. Food product design. June 2001.——cereals.aspx

Emission Factor Documentation – Cereal Breakfast Food – Final Report. Environmental Protection Agency. August 1995. (used for cereal production images)

Kulp K & Ponte JG. Handbook of cereal science and technology. CRC Press. 2000.

The Kaiser Family Foundation. Food For Thoughts. March 2007.

Mass of U.S. breakfast cereal consumption.

Cereal Breakfast Foods.

Price GK. Cereal sales soggy despite price cuts and reduced couponing. Structural change in the U.S. food industry. May-August 2000. 21-28.

Flexnews. General Mills sees more U.S. breakfast cereal consumption growth. 3/25/2010.

Canadian Food Analysis. 2008.


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Monday, September 6, 2010

37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About


Sent to you by Joe via Google Reader:


via FlowingData by Nathan on 5/6/09

You might not know it, but there are actually a ton of data and visualization blogs out there. I'm a bit of a feed addict subscribing to just about anything with a chart or a mention of statistics on it (and naturally have to do some feed-cleaning every now and then). In a follow up to my short list last year, here are the data-ish blogs, some old and some new, that continue to post interesting stuff.

Data and Statistics

  • By the Numbers - Column from The New York Times visual Op-ed columnist, Charles Blow, who also used to be NYT's graphics director.
  • Data Mining - Matthew Hurst, scientist at Microsoft's MSN, also the co-creator of BlogPulse.
  • Statistical Modeling - We might disagree on certain things, but Andrew's blog is one of the few active pure statistics blogs.
  • The Numbers Guy - Data-minded reporting from Carl Bialik of the Wall Street Journal.
  • Basketball Geek - Like statistical analysis and basketball?

Statistical/Analytical Visualization


Design & Infographics

  • information aesthetics - I doubt there are many who read FlowingData who haven't heard about Andrew's blog.
  • Neoformix - Jeff has been doing a lot of stuff with Twitter lately. Glad to read that he recently pledged to post more often.
  • Well-formed Data - Hasn't been updating much lately, but Moritz has some interesting projects every now and then.
  • Cool Infographics
  • Infographics News
  • Nicolas Rapp - Art Director for the Associated Press Interactive Design & Graphics Department.
  • Dataviz - Someone's tumblelog. Not sure who's but good stuff.
  • WallStats - Jess Bachman, of Mint graphics and Death & Taxes poster.

Others Worth Noting

  • Quantified Self - Of personal interest to me since so much of my work is on self-surveillance.
  • Random, etc. - Tom of Stamen Design. Hasn't updated in a while, but always like to hear from the Stamen guys.
  • Ben Fry Writing - Co-creator of Processing and author of Visualizing Data.
  • Stamen Design
  • tecznotes - Another Stamen Design fellow, Michal Migurski. Talking about custom online maps recently.
  • The Big Picture - Economics from Barry Ritholtz.
  • Waxy - Not always data, but always interesting from Andy Baio.
  • Serial Consign - Greg is more architecture than data or viz, but the fields share many of the same principles.

That's what I read. Looking over the list, I seem to enjoy the blogs of those who are actually actively involved in what they're writing about. The experience provides that tasty, data flavor.

Are there any data-ish blogs that you read that aren't listed above? What are your favorite data blogs (besides FlowingData :)? Let us know in the comments. Here are some of the Twitter replies to get things started:

@mlascarides: http://www.visualcomplexity...

@hungryclone: none lol

@libbyh: but FD's still my fav

@amrita_chanda: Blogs I follow are:Info aesthetics, Wallstats, blprnt, visuale, visualcomplexity, infogrphicsnews, perceptualedge, and urs :-)

@colorfuldata: there are so many… yours is my first choice together with, and

@jrhoads: yours is all I read at the moment (thanks to @cjoh) but I'd love to see your responses.


@caaquino: I like Infosthetics, Infographics News, Cool Infographics, the Stamen blog. Curious to see anything new that others read too!

@Mojowen: Not sure if these count as data blogs, but Five Thirty Eight, The Big Picture (how I found FD), and Real Climate

@mhenly: the ASA's Contexts Graph blog

@vergeclub: Data Mining, Info Aesthetics, visual methods. Got any tips for datamapping?

@nkri: Following @Tableau,, and

FlowingData Forums


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Friday, September 3, 2010

Office Nut Cases: A Field Guid


Sent to you by Joe via Google Reader:


via Sales Machine Blog RSS | BNET by Geoffrey James on 9/2/10

The thirteen most common varieties of office workers who will drive you and your friends completely out of your minds.


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