Saturday, October 30, 2010



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via The Best Article Every day by bspcn on 10/27/10

Written by David McRaney

The Misconception: You procrastinate because you are lazy and can't manage your time well.

The Truth: Procrastination is fueled by weakness in the face of impulse and a failure to think about thinking.

Netflix reveals something about your own behavior you should have noticed by now, something which keeps getting between you and the things you want to accomplish.

If you have Netflix, especially if you stream it to your TV, you tend to gradually accumulate a cache of hundreds of films you think you'll watch one day. This is a bigger deal than you think.

Take a look at your queue. Why are there so damn many documentaries and dramatic epics collecting virtual dust in there? By now you could draw the cover art to "Dead Man Walking" from memory. Why do you keep passing over it?

Psychologists actually know the answer to this question, to why you keep adding movies you will never watch to your growing collection of future rentals, and its the same reason you believe you will eventually do what's best for yourself in all the other parts of your life, but rarely do.

A study conducted in 1999 by Read, Loewenstein and Kalyanaraman had people pick three movies out of a selection of 24. Some were lowbrow like "Sleepless in Seattle" or "Mrs. Doubtfire." Some were highbrow like "Schindler's List" or "The Piano." In other words, it was a choice between movies which promised to be fun and forgettable or would be memorable but require more effort to absorb.

After picking, the subjects had to watch one movie right away. They then had to watch another in two days and a third two days after that.

Most people picked Schindler's List as one of their three. They knew it was a great movie because all their friends said it was. All the reviews were glowing, and it earned dozens of the highest awards. Most didn't, however, choose to watch it on the first day.

Instead, people tended to pick lowbrow movies on the first day. Only 44 percent went for the heavier stuff first. The majority tended to pick comedies like "The Mask" or action flicks like "Speed" when they knew they had to watch it forthwith.

Planning ahead, people picked highbrow movies 63 percent of the time for their second movie and 71 percent of the time for their third.

When they ran the experiment again but told subjects they had to watch all three selections back-to-back, "Schindler's List" was 13 times less likely to be chosen at all.

Yes, this is my queue

The researchers had a hunch people would go for the junk food first, but plan healthy meals in the future.

Many studies over the years have shown you tend to have time-inconsistent preferences. When asked if you would rather have fruit or cake one week from now, you will usually say fruit. A week later when the slice of German chocolate and the apple are offered, you are statistically more likely to go for the cake.

This is why your Netflix queue is full of great films you keep passing over for "Family Guy." With Netflix, the choice of what to watch right now and what to watch later is like candy bars versus carrot sticks. When you are planning ahead, your better angels point to the nourishing choices, but in the moment you go for what tastes good.

As behavioral economist Katherine Milkman has pointed out, this is why grocery stores put candy right next to the checkout.

This is sometimes called present bias – being unable to grasp what you want will change over time, and what you want now isn't the same thing you will want later. Present bias explains why you buy lettuce and bananas only to throw them out later when you forget to eat them. This is why when you are a kid you wonder why adults don't own more toys.

Present bias is why you've made the same resolution for the tenth year in a row, but this time you mean it. You are going to lose weight and forge a six-pack of abs so ripped you could deflect arrows.

You weigh yourself. You buy a workout DVD. You order a set of weights.

One day you have the choice between running around the block or watching a movie, and you choose the movie. Another day you are out with friends and can choose a cheeseburger or a salad. You choose the cheeseburger.

The slips become more frequent, but you keep saying you'll get around to it. You'll start again on Monday, which becomes a week from Monday. Your will succumbs to a death by a thousand cuts. By the time winter comes it looks like you already know what your resolution will be the next year.

Procrastination manifests itself within every aspect of your life.

Photo by Ron J Anejo

You wait until the last minute to buy Christmas presents. You put off seeing the dentist, or getting that thing checked out by the doctor, or filing your taxes. You forget to register to vote. You need to get an oil change. There is a pile of dishes getting higher in the kitchen. Shouldn't you wash clothes now so you don't have to waste a Sunday cleaning every thing you own?

Perhaps the stakes are higher than choosing to play Angry Birds instead of doing sit-ups. You might have a deadline for a grant proposal, or a dissertation, or a book.

You'll get around to it. You'll start tomorrow. You'll take the time to learn a foreign language, to learn how to play an instrument. There's a growing list of books you will read one day.

Before you do though, maybe you should check your email. You should head over to Facebook too, just to get it out of the way. A cup of coffee would probably get you going, it won't take long to go grab one. Maybe just a few episodes of that show you like.

You keep promising yourself this will be the year you do all these things. You know your life would improve if you would just buckle down and put forth the effort.

You can try to fight it back. You can buy a daily planner and a to-do list application for your phone. You can write yourself notes and fill out schedules. You can become a productivity junkie surrounded by instruments to make life more efficient, but these tools alone will not help, because the problem isn't you are a bad manager of your time – you are a bad tactician in the war inside your brain.

Procrastination is such a pervasive element of the human experience there are over 600 books for sale promising to snap you out of your bad habits, and this year alone 120 new books on the topic were published. Obviously this is a problem everyone admits to, so why is it so hard to defeat?

To explain, consider the power of marshmallows.

Walter Mischel conducted experiments at Stanford University throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s in which he and his researchers offered a bargain to children.

The kids sat at a table in front of a bell and some treats. They could pick a pretzel, a cookie or a giant marshmallow. They told the little boys and girls they could either eat the treat right away or wait a few minutes. If they waited, they would double their payoff and get two treats. If they couldn't wait, they had to ring the bell after which the researcher would end the experiment.

Some made no attempt at self-control and just ate right away. Others stared intensely at the object of their desire until they gave in to temptation. Many writhed in agony, twisting their hands and feet while looking away. Some made silly noises.

In the end, a third couldn't resist.

What started as an experiment about delayed gratification has now, decades later, yielded a far more interesting set of revelations about metacognition – thinking about thinking.

Mischel has followed the lives of all his subjects through high-school, college and into adulthood where they accumulated children, mortgages and jobs.

The revelation from this research is kids who were able to overcome their desire for short-term reward in favor of a better outcome later weren't smarter than the other kids, nor were they less gluttonous. They just had a better grasp of how to trick themselves into doing what was best for them.

They watched the wall instead of looking at the food. They tapped their feet instead of smelling the confection. The wait was torture for all, but some knew it was going to be impossible to just sit there and stare at the delicious, gigantic marshmallow without giving in.

The younger the child, the worse they were at metacognition. Any parent can tell you little kids aren't the best at self-control. Among the older age groups some were better at devising schemes for avoiding their own weak wills, and years later seem to have been able to use that power to squeeze more out of life.

"Once Mischel began analyzing the results, he noticed that low delayers, the children who rang the bell quickly, seemed more likely to have behavioral problems, both in school and at home. They got lower S.A.T. scores. They struggled in stressful situations, often had trouble paying attention, and found it difficult to maintain friendships. The child who could wait fifteen minutes had an S.A.T. score that was, on average, two hundred and ten points higher than that of the kid who could wait only thirty seconds."

- Jonah Lehrer from his piece in the New Yorker, "Don't"

Thinking about thinking, this is the key. In the struggle between should versus want, some people have figured out something crucial – want never goes away.

Procrastination is all about choosing want over should because you don't have a plan for those times when you can expect to be tempted.

You are really bad at predicting your future mental states. In addition, you are terrible at choosing between now or later. Later is murky place where anything could go wrong.

If I were to offer you $50 now or $100 in a year, which would you take? Clearly, you'll take the $50 now. After all, who knows what could happen in a year, right?

Ok, so what if I instead offered you $50 in five years or $100 in six years? Nothing has changed other than adding a delay, but now it feels just as natural to wait for the $100. After all, you already have to wait a long time.

A being of pure logic would think, "more is more," and pick the higher amount every time, but you aren't a being of pure logic. Faced with two possible rewards, you are more likely to take the one which you can enjoy now over one you will enjoy later – even if the later reward is far greater.

In the moment, rearranging the folders on your computer seems a lot more rewarding than some task due in a month which might cost you your job or your diploma, so you wait until the night before.

If you considered which would be more valuable in a month – continuing to get your paycheck or having an immaculate desktop – you would pick the greater reward.

The tendency to get more rational when you are forced to wait is called hyperbolic discounting because your dismissal of the better payoff later diminishes over time and makes a nice slope on a graph.

Evolutionarily it makes sense to always go for the sure bet now; your ancestors didn't have to think about retirement or heart disease. Your brain evolved in a world where you probably wouldn't live to meet your grandchildren. The stupid monkey part of your brain wants to gobble up candy bars and go deeply into debt. Old you, if there even is one, can deal with those things.

Hyperbolic discounting makes later an easy place to throw all the things don't want to deal with, but you also over-commit to future plans for the same reason. You run out of time to get things done because you think in the future, that mysterious fantastical realm of possibilities, you'll have more free time than you do now.

"The future is always ideal: The fridge is stocked, the weather clear, the train runs on schedule and meetings end on time. Today, well, stuff happens."

- Hara Estroff Marano in Psychology Today

One of the best ways to see how bad you are at coping with procrastination is to notice how you deal with deadlines.

Let's imagine you are in a class where you must complete three research papers in three weeks, and the instructor is willing to allow you to set your own due dates.

You can choose to turn in your papers once a week, or two on the first week and one on the second. You can turn them all in on the last day, or you can spread them out. You could even choose to turn in all three at the end of the first week and be done. It's up to you, but once you pick you have to stick with your choice. If you miss your deadlines, you get a big fat zero.

How would you pick?

The most rational choice would be the last day for every paper. It gives you plenty of time to work hard on all three and turn in the best possible work. This seems like a wise choice, but you are not so smart.

The same choice was offered to a selection of students in a 2002 study conducted by Klaus Wertenbroch and Dan Arielly.

They set up three classes, and each had three weeks to finish three papers. Class A had to turn in all three papers on the last day of class, Class B had to pick three different deadlines and stick to them, and Class C had to turn in one paper a week.

Which class had the better grades?

Class C, the one with three specific deadlines, did the best. Class B, which had to pick deadlines ahead of time but had complete freedom, did the second best, and the group whose only deadline was the last day, Class A, did the worst.

Students who could pick any three deadlines tended to spread them out at about one week apart on their own. They knew they would procrastinate, so they set up zones in which they would be forced to perform. Still, overly optimistic outliers who either waited until the last minute or chose unrealistic goals pulled down the overall class grade.

Students with no guidelines at all tended to put off their work until the last week for all three papers.

The ones who had no choice and were forced to spread out their procrastination did the best because the outliers were eliminated. Those people who weren't honest with themselves about their own tendencies to put off their work or who were too confident didn't have a chance to fool themselves.

Interestingly, these results suggest that although almost everyone has problems with procrastination, those who recognize and admit their weakness are in a better position to utilize available tools for precommitment and by doing so, help themselves overcome it.

- Dan Arielly, from his book "Predictably Irrational"

If you fail to believe you will procrastinate or become idealistic about how awesome you are at working hard and managing your time you never develop a strategy for outmaneuvering your own weakness.

Procrastination is an impulse; it's buying candy at the checkout. Procrastination is also hyperbolic discounting, taking the sure thing in the present over the caliginous prospect some day far away.

You must be adept at thinking about thinking to defeat yourself at procrastination. You must realize there is the you who sits there now reading this, and there is a you sometime in the future who will be influenced by a different set of ideas and desires, a you in a different setting where an alternate palette of brain functions will be available for painting reality.

The now you may see the costs and rewards at stake when it comes time to choose studying for the test instead of going to the club, eating the salad instead of the cupcake, writing the article instead of playing the video game.

Ulysses and the Sirens by Herbert James Draper

The trick is to accept the now you will not be the person facing those choices, it will be the future you – a person who can't be trusted. Future-you will give in, and then you'll go back to being now-you and feel weak and ashamed. Now-you must trick future-you into doing what is right for both parties.

This is why food plans like Nutrisystem work for many people. Now-you commits to spending a lot of money on a giant box of food which future-you will have to deal with. People who get this concept use programs like Freedom, which disables Internet access on a computer for up to eight hours, a tool allowing now-you to make it impossible for future-you to sabotage your work.

Capable psychonauts who think about thinking, about states of mind, about set and setting, can get things done not because they have more will power, more drive, but because they know productivity is a game of cat and mouse versus a childish primal human predilection for pleasure and novelty which can never be excised from the soul. Your effort is better spent outsmarting yourself than making empty promises through plugging dates into a calendar or setting deadlines for push ups.


Sorry I Haven't Posted

The Classroom Procrastination Study

Good Procrastination vs. Bad Procrastination

The Freedom Program


The Movie Selection Study

Counteractive Self Control

Doing it Now or Later

Maps Showing Popular Netflix Rentals by Region

Study on Netflix Renting Habits

Study on Online Grocery Shopping

Why You Can't Say No

10 Things to Know About Procrastination

Bonus: Best Batman Costume Ever


Things you can do from here:


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Top 10 CEO Blunders of All Time


Sent to you by Joe via Google Reader:


via Sales Machine Blog RSS | BNET by Geoffrey James on 9/27/10

All CEOs make mistakes and sometimes they make REALLY BIG mistakes. Here are ten that either have gone (or will go) down in history.


Things you can do from here:


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

101 Free Alternatives to Commonly Used Paid Software


Sent to you by Joe via Google Reader:


via The Best Article Every day by bspcn on 9/30/10

Written by Sean M

If you're running a business, then one of the highest costs you may be faced with is equipping your IT systems with the relevant software.

However, over the past few years, independent programmers and companies alike have developed free software that have come to replace their more expensive, well-known counterparts. Below are 101 free alternatives tocommonly used paid software that could help save you or your business a lot of money.

Operating Systems

Ubuntu (as an alternative to Windows)

Based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution, Ubuntu is an open source operating system named after the South African principle that means "humanity towards users". The OS has received heavy praise for its ease of installation and usage.

Fedora (as an alternative to Windows)

Like Ubuntu, Fedora is a Linux based operating system that is built around an open source community.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (as an alternative to Windows)

Another Linux based operating system, Red Hat is an open source operating system that gives users unprecedented levels of operational flexibility.

Haiku (as an alternative to Windows)

Haiku is a new open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the Be Operating System, Haiku aims to become a fast, efficient, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful system for computer users of all levels.


Thunderbird (as an alternative to Outlook Express)

A cross-platform email system that allows users to bring together all their electronic correspondence as well as any news feeds.

Google Mail (as an alternative to Outlook Express)

An easy-to-use email system that has rapidly grown over the past few years to become as popular as MSN's Hotmail. The system can also be used with Google's other accounts.

XChat (as an alternative to MIRC)

XChat is an IRC chat program for both Linux and Windows. It allows you to join multiple IRC channels (chat rooms) at the same time, talk publicly, private one-on-one conversations etc. Even file transfers are possible.

Project Management / Organisation Tools

Mindmeister (as an alternative to Microsoft Visio)

An online mind mapping application, Mindmeister allows for real-time brainstorming sessions to be conducted all over the world with users able to share ideas and thoughts instantly. (as an alternative to Project Place)

In order for staff to collaborate in real-time on any potential project, allows for multiple people to edit text with efficiency.

ClientSpot (as an alternative to Project Place)

Allows users to share and tracks tasks as well as other project files. Ideal for virtual professionals and small businesses.

37signals Basecamp (as an alternative to Project Place)

Tackling project management from a different angle, Basecamp allows people from around the world to come together to share ideas and discuss projects online. It is arguably the most popular project collaboration tool on the web today.

24SevenOffice (as an alternative to Project Place)

An ajax-based ERP/CRM-solution that includes a project management module.

DeskAway (as an alternative to Project Place)

Project and task software ideal for small creative firms, looking to allow its staff to create, manage and track projects from one source.

Free Mind (as an alternative to Mind Jet)

FreeMind gives you the flexibility to organize thoughts on a page as they connect to each other and to the larger picture.

Dia (as an alternative to Microsoft Visio)

Dia is inspired by the commercial Windows program 'Visio', though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use. It allows you to sketch your favorite structured diagrams.

Office Programs

Google Docs (as an alternative to Microsoft Office)

Google Docs has most of the programs that Microsoft Office has, such as word processing, spreadsheets and calendars, and not only is it free, but it can be accessed anywhere thanks to cloud computing. (as an alternative to Microsoft Office) is a Facebook and Microsoft collaboration, which allows users to create and share documents across Facebook.

OpenOffice (as an alternative to Microsoft Office)

As an open source office suite, Open Office allows for the utilisation of the best office programs online such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and databases. User contributions can be made to the project, which means that it is constantly growing and evolving.

Think Free (as an alternative to Microsoft Office)

ThinkFree Office includes a word processor, spreadsheet and presentation program. ThinkFree is compatible with Microsoft's Office formats and has a low learning curve for users of Microsoft's products who want to switch over.

To Do/Task Management Software

Evernote (as an alternative to Orbisoft)

Working on computers, phones and other handheld devices, Evernote allows for quick and easy memos/notes, and updates all your devices accordingly.

WikiPad 1.8 (as an alternative to Orbisoft)

Part of Wiki's ever-growing range of applications, WikiPad is a fast way to cross link information using WikiWords, a standalone notepad application. Any ideas or memos you need to remember can be added for easy access and management.

Remember the Milk (as an alternative to Orbisoft)

A useful task manager, Remember the Milk sends you reminders, connects with your Google Calendar, receives email and SMS, and is also accessible from your phone.

Toodledo (as an alternative to Hub List)

A useful task manager, Toodledo has grown so popular it is now even available on iPhone's,  which means that users can quickly and easily add 'to do' tasks on the go.

Google Calendar (as an alternative to Outlook Express)

Part of Google's cloud service, Google Calendar allows you to easily keep track of your appointments and meetings wherever you are.


Avast! (as an alternative to Norton Antivirus)

This free anti-virus and anti-spyware software is constantly updating itself with new protocols to ensure your computer is safe from the latest threats.

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition (as an alternative to Norton Antivirus)

A popular download, AVG Free enables users to download a basic form of anti-virus and antis-pyware protection on their computers, including a LinkScanner for online malware.

TOR (as an alternative to Norton Antivirus)

If you are wary of network threats, then TOR is for you. A free software program that defends computer against hacks after confidential and private details.

Spybot Search and Destroy (as an alternative to Norton Antivirus)

If you think your system has spyware on it, instead of buying expensive software, Spybot searches the whole of your computer, or just a specific section, to identify, quarantine and delete it.

Microsoft Security Essentials (as an alternative to Norton Antivirus)

Provided free by Microsoft, Security Essentials gives your computer real-time protection against malicious software such as viruses and spyware.

Lastpass (as an alternative to Password Manager)

LastPass is an online password manager that protects your system from malware as well as securing data on your computer.

KeePass (as an alternative to Password Manager)

An open source password manager that allows you to keep track of your assorted passwords in a secure database, which is locked with a master key or key file.

TrueCrypt (as an alternative to Symantec)

An easy to use security protocol that encrypts any software you may use on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

Website and Application Building

WordPress (as an alternative to Expression Engine)

Why use an expensive CMS or website builder when WordPress allows for the creation of stylish, easy to use sites? WordPress has grown to become one of the most popular website builders on the Internet.

Bloodshed Dev C++ (as an alternative to SlickEdit)

A fully integrated development environment for the C/C++ programming language, utilising Mingw port of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) as its compiler.

Anjuta (as an alternative to SlickEdit)

Another integrated development environment for or C and C++ on GNU/Linux with a number of advanced programming facilities including project management.

Notepad++ (as an alternative to DreamWeaver)

This free source code editor runs on Windows, and claims to reduce emissions due to optimizing many routines in its program.

Eclipse PHP (as an alternative to Zend Studio)

The PDT project provides a PHP Development Tools framework for the Eclipse platform. This project encompasses all development components necessary to develop PHP and facilitate extensibility.

Quanta Plus (as an alternative to DreamWeaver)

A web integrated development environment for or HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, XML and any other XML-based language.

Aptana (as an alternative to DreamWeaver)

A complete web development environment, Aptana Studio combines authoring tools with a series of online hosting services.

NetBeans (as an alternative to DreamWeaver)

An open source integrated development environment for software engineers that allows for the creation of professional desktop, web and mobile applications with the Java language, C/C++, and even dynamic languages such as PHP, JavaScript, Groovy, and Ruby.

Graphics/Photo Editing

Pixlr Editor (as an alternative to Adobe Photoshop)

Pixlr Editor is a free online photo editor with a professional touch. Fix, adjust and filter your images. Manage your images in your browser.

Photoscape (as an alternative to Adobe Photoshop)

Rather than spend a lot of money on Photoshop and other Adobe products, Photoscape is a free alternative that allows you to easily edit photos or images.

GIMP (as an alternative to Adobe Photoshop)

Also known as the GNU Image Manipulation Program, GIMP allows for easy image composition, retouching and photo authoring. It also works on all operating systems.

Mockingbird (as an alternative to Omnigraffle)

Like Omnigraffle, Mockingbird allows you to create and share mock-ups of a website or an application for colleagues and clients. (as an alternative to Adobe Photoshop)

Although it only runs on Windows, is a solid piece of software for free image and photo editing.

Inkscape (as an alternative to Adobe Illustrator)

An open source graphics editor that is similar to Illustrator and CorelDraw. The program allows for the creation of standard Scalable Vector Graphics.

Google Sketchup (as an alternative to 3DMax)

Something different from the usual photo-editing software, Google Sketchup is a 3D modeling software that allows for the creation of online 3D designs for free.

Blender (as an alternative to 3DMax)

An open source 3D content creation suite that works on all major operating systems, Blender can be utilized for modeling, texturing and UV unwrapping.

Media Programs

Boxee (Alternative to Cable TV)

Boxee is the best way to watch movies, TV shows and clips from the Internet on your TV. You can navigate Boxee from your couch, you can use an Apple Remote or one of several PC-remotes available (or even your iPhone).

YouTube Movies (Alternative to Netflix)

An internet phenomen that has grown to incorporate videos of every type, be they home videos, TV shows or full length movies. Ideal for saving money on movie rentals.

Reddit Documentaries (Alternative to Netflix)

Another money-saving tip if you want to watch online documentaries, Reddit's Documentary subreddit is the place to go for crowd sourced recommendations and links to interesting online videos.

BBC iPlayer (Alternative to UK TV Licence)

If you wish to watch the best of BBC programming on TV, you will need a licence unless you want to incur a hefty fine. However, iPlayer allows you to stream the latest shows online for a week after their release, giving you seven days of the latest must-see TV programmes (and even movies).

Audio and Video

VLC (as an alternative to Quicktime Pro)

A player that is capable of playing almost every file and media codec, the VLC player means that you don't have to open and close different programs to run DVDs, VCDs, CDs, web streams and other forms of media.

The KMPlayer (as an alternative to Quicktime Pro)

A media player that plays most types of media formats such as VCD, DVD, AVI, MKV, Ogg Theora, OGM, 3GP, MOV, WMV and RealMedia.

Winamp (as an alternative to Quicktime Pro)

A well-established media player, Winamp is beloved by many for its ability to play all sorts of video files and its compact size.

CinePaint (as an alternatve to Adobe Premier Pro)

First created as part of the GIMP project, CinePaint has grown to become an application used by the movie-making community. The application allows for professional graphical editing with support for up to 32-bit colours.

Avidemux (as an alternative to Adobe Premier Pro)

A free video editor that allows for simple cutting of footage and its encoding. The program supports multiple file types including AVI, DVD and MPEG files.

Cinelerra 4.0 (as an alternative to Adobe Premier Pro)

An advanced piece of technology that allows for in-depth video editing including compositing. Compatible with most forms of graphic cards, Cinelerra is one of the most professional open source video editing applications available.

Audacity (as an alternative to Code It Wave Editor)

Audacity allows for easy recording and editing of sound files, as well as the conversion of tapes and other media formats.

Pencil (as an alternative to Pixar Renderman)

If you're a budding animator, this application is for you. Allowing for the easy creation of four types of layers including graphics, bitmap, camera and sound. Each can be manipulated and removed easily to make silky smooth animations.

Camstudio (as an alternative to AllCapture)

Able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer, CamStudio is an excellent tool to create video files in order to show program or application demonstrations.

Plex (as an alternative to Xbox Media Centre)

If you wish to play your media content on your home theater system as opposed to your Mac, Plex allows you to do so immediately, playing audio, video and photo formats.


Spotify (as an alternative to iTunes)

Rapidly becoming one of the world's most popular music services, Spotify allows you to access millions of songs for free, but at the price of the occasional advert. (as an alternative to iTunes)

Dubbed "the world's largest online music catalogue', Last.FM provides music videos, radio stations and anything else you could possibly want to listen to.

Grooveshark (as an alternative to iTunes)

Available all over the world, Grooveshark is a free music streaming service that allows users to create playlists and search through millions of songs.

MuseScore 0.9.5 (as an alternative to Sibelius 6)

A fully integrated music scorewriter and editor for Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac that boasts an unlimited number of staves, up to four voices per staff and easy note entry with mouse, keyboard or MIDI.

Online Storage

Dropbox (as an alternative to Nirvanix)

An easy and efficient way to store, share and sync your files, Dropbox is a cloud service that allows users to access their files anywhere in the world.

37signals Backpack (as an alternative to Nirvanix)

Designed by 37signals, Backpack is a simple business intranet that allows for teams to easily store and retrieve any files or documents they may need. It was declared 'Editor's and Reader's Choice' by BusinessWeek.

SpiderOak (as an alternative to Norton Online Backup)

An easy and secure free online backup system that allows instant access, sharing and syncing.

CloneZilla (as an alternative to Norton Backup)

An open source solution to backing up your computer should it be corrupted by a virus or other forms of malware. CloneZilla can be used on a single or multiple computers to make sure all your information is backed up securely.

Flickr (as an alternative to PhotoShelter)

Used by companies all over the world to showcase their infographics and images, Flickr is also used my amateur photographers to display their work. Can also be used to source imagery, provided that the author gives the relevant permissions.

Picassa (as an alternative to Photoshelter)

Google's photo sharing application, Picassa allows users to easily share photos with family and friends.

Microsoft Skydrive (as an alternative to Nirvanix)

SkyDrive is Microsoft's cloud computing system that allows users to upload files to their profiles and access them anywhere over the internet.


Foxit Reader (as an alternative to Nitro PDF)

Foxit is a free PDF document reader that is an alternative to more expensive PDF readers. Easy to use and fast, Foxit is an essential Windows file reader.

FileZilla (as an alternative to CuteFTP)

This free FTP solution – which consists of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server – is available on Windows, Linux and the Mac OS X.

Sumatra PDF (as an alternative to Nitro PDF)

A simplistic and easy to use open-source PDF viewer, Sumatra is small, fast and designed for portable use.

Defraggler (as an alternative to Windows System Tools)

Like Window's Defragging Tool, Defraggler allows you to compress your hard-drive, however it also allows you to defrag the files you want, as opposed to your whole drive.

Brasero (as an alternative to Nero)

For the Gnome Desktop, Brasero allows users to burn CDs and DVDs easily.

Imgburn (as an alternative to Nero)

An application that allows users to burn information to any CD/DVD/Blu Ray and HD DVD easily and efficiently. Not only does it burn  information, it reads and verifies it as well.

InfraRecorder (as an alternative to Nero)

A free CD/DVD burning tool for Windows, that is easy to use and is able to be integrated with Windows Explorer.

CDBurnerXP (as an alternative to Nero)

A free application that allows you to burn any CDs or DVDs you wish, as well as the creation of ISOs.

Recuva (as an alternative to

Ever deleted a file by accident? If so then Recuva could be the solution to your problem. The program is designed to 'undelete' and 'unerase' any file that might have been accidently removed.

OpenVPN (as an alternative to Barracuda SSL VPN)

An open source piece of software that implements virtual private network (VPN) solutions in point-to-point connections.

7-zip (as an alternative to WinZip)

Like WinZip, 7-zip allows for the compressing of files, but unlike WinZip 7-zip can unpack 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR files.

WinRAR (as an alternative to WinZip)

A powerful compressing tool that allows for easy backup and file storage.

CCleaner (as an alternative to Windows Cleanup)

Like ScanDisc on Windows, CCleaner is a system optimization and cleaning program that removes unused files on a system, clearing up hard disk space. It can also erase your Internet browsing history.


Invoice Bubble (as an alternative to Kashflow)

Instead of having numerous invoice documents on your computer, Invoice Bubble allows you to create and store web based invoices, and send them immediately to clients.

Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2009 (as an alternative to Kashflow)

Surprisingly free considering it's from Microsoft, the Account Express allows small businesses to easily manage their finances by creating invoices and keeping track of sales and refunds.

Paymo (as an alternative to Kashflow)

A free and effective way to keep track of how time is allocated to clients and projects. Also allows for the creation of invoices.

PostBooks (as an alternative to Kashflow)

This open source piece of software allows businesses to fully integrate their accounting at a lower cost. PostBooks features an accounting model with a powerful real-time general ledger, that can be defined with an unlimited number of accounting periods within the fiscal year. (as an alternative to Xero)

By creating an account on, you can easily manage all of your personal financial transactions, be it loans, credit cards, savings or investments.


Khan Academy (as an alternative to University)

Khan University is a not-for-profit website that provides education to anyone who needs it wherever they may be. An open source project, the Khan Acadmey, created by Salman Khan, is leading the way for other free classrooms around the world.

iTunes U (as an alternative to University)

Not everyone goes to go to university, but iTunes U allows users to sample some of the best lectures from around the world, including global institutes such as MIT and Standford. The system allows people to download lectures and lessons straight to their iPod or iPhone, so they can listen to them whenever they wish.

Moodle 1.9 (as an alternative to Blackboard Learning System)

An easy-to-use application that lets people create online learning communities, allowing a teacher to potentially reach thousands of students. Moodle also customises online learning by allowing teachers to create modules for pupils all over the world.

Octave 3.0 (as an alternative to MathWorks MATLAB 7.6)

An easy-to-use software that allows students to do numerical computation easily and efficiently. Used worldwide in commercial and traching applications, Octave allows users to do arithmetic using complex interger-valued matrices.

Sakai 2.5 (as an alternative to Blackboard Learning System)

Like Blackboard, Sakai is an open source learning system that allows for collaboration and learning within education communities. However what makes Sakai different from most free education applications, is that many academic institutions have aided in its development.

Sage Math (as an alternative to MathWorks MATLAB 7.6)

Open source mathematics software for advanced theory such as cryptography, algebra and advanced algebra. Sage provides access to other free software applications, such as Octave, for optimum efficiency. The program can be run from a web browser on any operating system.


Flight Gear (as an alternative to Microsoft Flight Similutor)

Gaming is a big part of the digital world, but if many games are out of your price range, then there are a few cheaper options. Flight Gear, for example, is a free open source flight simulator project that can be played on any major operating system.

0 A.D (as an alternative to Age of Empires)

A historical real-time strategy open source project, published by Wildfire Games, that allows the user to build and manage their own ancient world and see it, potentially, grow into an empire.

OpenTTD (as an alternative to Transport Tycoon Deluxe)

OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe", a popular game originally made by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible whilst also extending it with new features.

Freeciv (as an alternative to Civilization)

Freeciv is a multiplayer, turn-based strategy game for workstations and personal computers, inspired by the commercial proprietary Sid Meier's Civilization series. The game's default principles are closest to Civilization II, both in gameplay and graphics.

Bonus: Spider-Man's Most Embarrassing Moment


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Saturday, September 18, 2010

7 Traits of Real Men


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via The Best Article Every day by bspcn on 9/3/10

Written by mocha dad

Photo by: Photofinish2009 via Flickr

Men were made to be bold, strong, leaders. However, our society has attempted to repress these traits. If you look at the way men (especially dads) are portrayed on TV, you'd think we were all a bunch of irresponsible, befuddled, nincompoops, who can only function with the help of a "smart" female partner, friend, or spouse.

Consequently, many boys are confused and have no idea what it takes to be a real man. They seek inappropriate role models and emulate the bad behavior that they see on a regular basis.

It is our duty as men, fathers, and responsible citizens to counter these negative images and raise a new generation of men who are respectful, loving, and willing to contribute to society in a positive way.

If we are to achieve this goal, we must start with improving ourselves. I started my journey towards self-improvement after my daughter's birth. The greatest compliment that a father can get from his daughter is "I want to marry someone just like you." That kind of pressure forces you to examine your life and look for ways to improve.

Over the years, I've discovered seven traits that real men possess:

  1. Integrity – Integrity is more than being honest. It's a lifestyle set on striving towards moral excellence. Real men say what they mean and mean what they say. They are the same person whether or not others are watching. They are trustworthy, dependable, and unwavering.
  2. Compassion – Compassion is sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it. In other words, you feel compelled to help someone who is hurting. Men aren't often viewed as being compassionate, but it is a trait that helps us to become more connected to the people around us. Real men turn their compassion into service and work to make the world a better place.
  3. ConfidenceReal men are confident. Many people confuse confidence with arrogance and self-centeredness. Real men know the difference. Confidence is about being self-assured and self-aware. Confident men have faith in their abilities and knowledge. They don't need to tear others down in order to build themselves up. They earn people's trust with their radiant, inner strength. When a they walk into the room, everyone takes notice.
  4. Self-control – Hardly a day goes by without a news report about some high-profile man who has been destroyed by sex, money, and/or drugs. Too many men lack self-control, but it is the foundation of a virtuous life. Self-control starts with focus and ridding yourself of distractions. Doing this isn't easy because temptations lurk around every corner. Real men are able to tame their desires and channel that energy into positive pursuits.
  5. Perseverance – Perseverance is the product of self-control. It is courageous resistance against difficult circumstances. Perseverance is only developed through trials. Real men endure the trials and emerge stronger. They never give up.
  6. Bravery – Bravery is the courage to do what is right regardless of the circumstances. Nothing is ever accomplished with an attitude of passivity. Real men stand up in the face of adversity.
  7. Humility – Today's breed of young men loves to let everyone know how much swagger they have. They thump their chests and proclaim to the world, "I'm a Big Deal. Look at me!" Real men understand the value of being humble and letting someone else's light shine. They realize that humility is more endearing than self-importance. Humility indicates that you are ridding yourself of the poison of self-centeredness. Besides, humility softens the blow when someone knocks you off your pedestal.

Acquiring all of these traits takes time and dedication. However, our society would benefit greatly if all men strove to possess them.

Stay Strong,

Question: In your opnion, what traits should a real man possess?

Bonus: so true…..


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